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Lifestyle Reports

Lifestyle Investigations are discreet checks undertaken on the activities, circumstances, and acquaintances of a family member, relative or other person. The purpose is to discreetly gather facts about the individual through monitoring and surveillance. Concerns about the person may range from possible at-risk behaviour such-as, drugs, alcohol, or gambling, possible association with dangerous, criminal or abusive persons or concerns over the mental health of the person.

With this type of investigation we legally and ethically gather photos, video, audio and documentary evidence of the person and their activities and associations.

Coupled with due-diligence reports this type of investigation can provide a detailed picture of the individual, their circumstances, activities and associations.

All lifestyle investigations are carried out in accordance with the licensing requirements of the Private Security Authority of Ireland, Office of the Data Commissioner, and the ethically policies of the World Association of Detectives

Call now to arrange a consultation:
+353 (0)1 5346981 / +353 (86) 8333241
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